BTS fan made updates archived
A downloadable mod for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android
The classic versions of my project, so the reason why I'm saying is classic is because this is where older versions that have been replaced with the new ones will be, for example 1.0 I have it here
I also have 1.0.1 the minor update that was released back in February, also prototype versions will be here too like unfinished versions for updates, prototypes, and development versions! Anyway have a good day!
Install instructions
Install BFNS+ Ultimate Edition First Baldi's Fun New School Plus Ultimate Edition by JohnsterSpaceGames (
For PC users: Make sure you extract BTS updates classics then go to this location C:\Users\yourpcname\AppData\LocalLow\JohnsterSpaceGames\Baldi's Fun New School Plus Ultimate Edition\Floor Customizer and then put the folder here After you're done launch bfns+ then click on game mode and click on floor customizer then click on play super schoolhouse then find the map and you should see the map you installed.
For Android users: go to android/data/com.johnsterspacegamesbaldifunnewschoolplusultimateedition/files/floorcustomizer and the custom floor is needed to extract (but if you need zarchiver good luck) paste on floor customizer and done! (credits to principal gaming for the tutorial)
Development log
- 1.0.2 added!Mar 13, 2024
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Welcome to the classic version page feel free to get some classic versions of the project and some never seen before versions 😕